Tuesday 21 April 2009

ahhh long time no appear :S << sure coz of the uni. I really feel tons on my shoulders wish me luck 1 semester left that really encourages me...
Any ways here are some photos from my trip to Malaysia in January!!
The weather was WOOW since it was spring time and Chinese New Year ^^
We really had FUNNNN and enjoyed especially with 7amody Fdeta *HUG*.
So lazy to write so let the pics talk a7san ;p

Landing arrived at 11:30 uae i was exhusted and sooo sleepy i couldnt sleep !

Heading to Sunway Lagoon

Sunway Lagoon

The Hotel

7mo0ody >< my sis's baby

Fish manicure :p i couldnt imagine myself doing this :s met cute kids there !


Kuala Lumpore

Maroccoo :p

to airport Bye Bye



Candy said...

loooooooooool at the fish manicurem,mn jadhum hathail ;p

update lazy mone =P

daddies little cuttie said...

waw seems like funn!!! i wanna goo

maroco !! my fav

Mone said...

hehehehe haih walah lazy :p
i dont have time sooo busy ><

inshalla promise i ll update soon walah mafe shy yeshage3 :(

btw they are so serious about this manicurem walah ashkalhom kanat t'6a7ek o shom yalsen la o awenah yalah yelsy NO WAY :s

daddies little cuttie:
yaaaaa it was sooo fun ^^