Anyways, I finished my final exams n 4th of January I had two exams at the same day el7mdelallh it’s over now lol ! it’s over and still I’m complaining about that lol
All I want to say that I will miss UAEU sure not karaf-ing days :p but for sure I will miss every single moment I spent in the classes with friends or I can call them sisters ^^
Love you friends and I will miss you all walah. Wish you all the best in your life, 9a7 we cried wayed in last day and u made me cry all the way from Al Ain to Abu Dhabi and mama was making fun of me lol
In the graduation ceremony we had so much fun and I was so happy because my parents and sisters came … thanks lovely family love you so much,
Thanks lil sister 3al poster! I really liked it and everyone was talking about it <3
Thanks lil nephews and nieces 3al surprises in the graduation ceremony also 3al ward <3
Thanks mama 3al gifts also mama’s friends <3
Thanks GOD for everything you gave and u r giving me …
Gnight and sweet strawberry marshmellow dipped in choco dreams <3

MABROOOOOOOK 3l ta5arjjj 7beebtyy, tstahleeen kl5air!! allah ywafgch (k) Luv Talla <3
@ last :D
no more boooks :D
yeeepi.. 3gbaal elw'6eefa
alah ybark fe 7ayatech hun. am so happy that u comment here ><
luv <3
thnxx huney *hugs*
haih walah finally no more books but i luv reading books bs not uni's 6ab3an lol
el7mdlellah i got a job bs am waiting for my official certificate men el jam3ah =D
minha lil a3la enshallah ;)
5aaaaibah, why i haven't notice this post in my dashboard, mn kethr il posts i guess, i hope am not too late..
Mabro0o0ok babyeeeeeh!!!! ;***
how long have u been waiting to hear (engineer mona)!!
Say Welcome freedom xD
YAY! CONGRATS! this totally awesome! ;D
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