100 Truths ^^
1. Last beverage: juice i think
2.Last phone call: mamaty
3. Last instant message: banano regarding AD media company
4. Last song you listened to: wa7shatny sowalefik > Rashed El Majed
5. Last time you cried: today afternoon ><
6. Last text message:from banano too
12. brown
13. Pink
14. Yellow
15. Made a new friend: mmmmm i think yes
16. Fallen out of love: -
17. Laughed until you cried: No, rarely
18. Met someone who changed your life: i dont think so
19. Found out who your true friends were: YES
20. Found out someone was talking about you: No
21. Have you kissed anyone on your Facebook friends list: No :s
22. How many people on your Facebook friends list do you know in real life: -
23. How many kids do you want to have: 2 girls n 1 boy :p
24. Do you have any pets: No WAY
25. Do you want to change your name: No i like it
26. What did you get for your last birthday: perfume, mugs since i like them sooo much :p, big cake made by my lil niece walah kanat a7la gift ^^
27. What time did you wake up today: 7:30 > summer training
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping !
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: graduation
30. Last time you saw your father: 15 min ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: mmmmm maybe sensitivity
32. What are you listening to right now: nothing
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: YES
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now: nothing
35. Most visited webpage: Hotmail, blogs and Al Ittihad newspaper
36: what’s your real name: Mona
37. Nicknames: there are a lot and one of them is Mone, MonMon
38. Status: Single
39. Zodiac sign: -
40. Male or female:Female
44. University: UAEU
45. Hair color: Brown
46. Long or short: Short- was long be4 1 week
47. Are you a health freak: No
48. Height: tall 168
49. Do you have a crush on someone: No
50: What do you like about yourself: madree... , maybe i am multitalent person ;p + and i have to get kel shy abah!
51. What don’t you like about yourself: being a delicate person ><
52. Righty or lefty: lefty
53. First surgery: -
54. First piercing: :s
55. Your first best friend: Maryom
56. First award: when i was grade 1: i won the first place fe mahrajan el 6efel elly in Shj .. yes i like painting ^^
57. First sport you joined: nothing
58. First pet: - i hate animals
59. First vacation: ma7eed :s
60. First concert: -
61. First crush: :/
62. Eating: nothing
63. Drinking: nothing
64. I’m about to: going to bed
65. Listening to: my lil sis tsma3 3abdelkarem o ana weyaha
66. Waiting for: i think i answered this pefore :s
67. Want kids: sure
68. Want to get married: when finding the right person why not
69. Careers in mind: Project manager ^^
70. Lips or eyes: i dono :p
71. Hugs or kisses: :s
72. Romantic or spontaneous: Both
73. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms
74. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
75. Hook-up or relationship: -
76. Trouble maker or hesitant: 7asab :p
77. Lefty or Righty: whatever
78. Shorter or taller: AKEEEEEEEED taller!!
79. Older or Younger: Older SUREEEE, sho asawe beh etha younger arabeeh lol
80. Lost glasses/contacts: No
81. Ran away from home: NOO ! mosta7eel
82. Kissed a stranger: NO , 8a3edat mamaty dont talk to stranger 3eyal wen etha kiss !
83. Drank Pepsi: no, i prefer CoC
84. Broken someone’s heart:ya i think so ! lel2asaf :(
85. Been arrested: :s
86. Turned someone down: maybe!
87. Cried when someone died: sho hal so2aaal !!
88. Liked a guy/girl friend?: Yes
89. Yourself: SURE 100%
90. Miracles: No
91. Love at first sight: La2!
92. Heaven: Sure.
93. Santa Claus: No
94. Kiss on the first date: :s
95. Angels: Yes
96. Are you happy with your life: AKEED el7amdulellah
97. Is there one person you want to bewith right now: yes "mamaty"
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time: No
99. Do you believe in God: Sure
100. Posting this as Truths? Sure !
so sleepy @@
Yalah Good night ! i have to wake up at 7:30 bas the happy news is that the weekend will start tmw =D