am back finally!
last week we decided to go to the east areas of the UAE for ta'3yeering gaw :p
we reached there at around 1:30pm the weather was nice m'3ayem! bas akeed 7ar (mosh gaw paris sure ;p)
elmohem the first day i was fine we all had so much fun...
after dinner i waaaaas b5eeeeeeeeeer 100% nothing wrong no pain nothing nothing at all, later my sister suggeested to go to the beach or cornich madry,
anyways, kan shy nas mosh mosh wayed za7ma o nas 3aaady !
after around 30 min 7aset enny i wanna throw up o lay3a shabdy wayed wayed i told mama galatly mybe mn el 7ar o el r6oba ! bass nooo it was the first time that i felt like that >> alah la ye3edha :s
when we back yom knt fel sayarah agolhom lay3a chabdy 5ala9 i cant bear this, mama galat drink some coffe u gana feel better, well it works for just only 15 to 30 min only then agaaaaain nafs el 7alah :s
starting from 1 am leeeeeeeeen 6am o ana a3any 7emma,my stomach was killing me o 6ab3an with throwing up every 10 to 15 min :(
sis. wa3at babaty at 3:45am to take me to the hospital ! 6ab3an we dont know where is their hosptial :s sho hal na7asa !
6ab3an since i hate hospitals o 7atta re7atha ma 63t aseeeer 3a golat mama 3nadech bewadech fe dahya :p
dad: yalah be ready o ana baser ayeb el car
mam: yalah ya mama bser3a, sho 9ar feech ( o 6ab3an ana ma at7arrak)
my lil sis: yallah neshy teben tmoten :s
my niece: yalah sery ya mona at least beye36onech dwa to stop this
dad (back): yalah ta3ali
o ana wala 7arakah mob sayrah ya3ny ma baser mkan and i feel better no need i ll sleep now
mama & baba: O.O ya rabby menech 3aneda !!!
my sis: walah dalo3a :s sho haaaa sho be9er etha srty ya3ny !
then i pretent that i was sleeping :p
after 10 min nafs el mawal en3aaad leeeen 6 am ! i felt 5ala9 i ll die die :s bas el 7mdellah i selpt from 6 till 9 when mam waked me up to take me lel3eyada 6ab3an again NO !
she came back at 12 yalah comem ya mama plzz benser bas 10 min ma besawon lech shy at least neshy kly shy o ana NO NO !!
then at 3 pm dad came>> mosh 3a kefech yalah be ready in 30 min am waiting ehny ma rmt ogaf lebst 3abaty and i went to the hospital and guss WOT !!
Dr.: yes Mona whats wrong? sho t7esen?
me: madrey lo3a o .... o .....
Dr.: knty msafra?
me: no i just came here from AD etha u gana say hay safra ba3ad this is another story
Dr.: aha so u r sick in ur holiday heheh !! then he checked my eyes i dono why,, shofy fog shoy ta7at :s >> am7ag holiday ma yeswa 3alayah
dad: hey ma 6l3at mkan at all bas she went to the beach last night
Dr.: Do u feel pain fe mefa9lch
me: YES i cant sleep mn el alam walah :(
Dr.: i seeeeeeee, this is a virus ! >> ay virus walah madrey aham shy not H1N1 walah ma be5alony a6l3 :s
dad: mn sho enzain 9ar feha che ? ma kanat teshteky mn shy at all
Dr.:Dont worry i will give her ebra now ans she will feel much mush better inshalla
dad: no baba a7san shy el ebra u gana feel better ma t5awef ela 2 min or less
me: :( :( sho hal wahgaa a7ena kef!! i cant!! maba !!!
nurse: plz come
me: mashy badeel lel ebra dowa or anything
nurse: no ! (o feha '6a7kaaa) bas a7san lech ta5thenha trust me, but its ur choice
o 5aththaaaaaaaaaaaaa :( :( still t3awrny walah :(
and that is my story ma tswa 3alayah hal 6al3a :p
still la taklen ha o la te6le3en mkan o la o la u know mams and their rules :s
i feel much better now el 7mdellah bas still a7es enah rasy thejeeel !
anyways, i talked alot >> ta3abt
nxt week i ll start my painting course inshalla, i have to feel better otherwise mashy 6al3mn el bait :(
here are some bad shots from my mobile since i was not fe mood yesa3d :s


My nephew 3abody ^^

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Welcome Back :D
loool at ur sis,mone ya dalo3at babaty o mamaty ;p
bas walla 9j salamat baby ma etshofeen shar :O
thnxx 7ayato allah yesalmch o el shar ma eyeech :)
bas 9dj awel marah a7es be kel haa 7lft a7ena mob sayra thak el 9ob again :p
slamat ..inshallah u'll feel better soon =]
oww sweet heart i wish ur feeling better my mum caught the virus to it was really bad ...
u know what when u feel pain u shouldnt just ignore it! ur body is giving u this signs for a reason i hate hospitals too monthly mdawma ebar and ecg bas its better for the long run :D
do u draw faces?
aww matshoofeen shar!!
thnxx am much betta now bas ta7t mra8abat mamaty still ;s kly o la taklen ;p
daddies little cuttie
oh sorry that ur mum caught the virus too walah enah yehlek, ma tshof shar
hun u mean people ? i dont draw people or faces sema3t enah 7aram i think, so i stopped drawing faces mn 3 years when nseby told me that
el shar ma eyeech..
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