Yst was abnormal day I was out from 11 am and back home at 1 am !
My nephew wanted to buy some accessories for his room and need help so I went with him for some shopping... Sure it didn't take that much time bas meee lazm I do some shopping since the uni will start after a week so I need some stuff! 7gety dayman to go shopping :p
We went to Marina Mall at 2pm till around 5:30 (btw I had a dentist appointment and I totally forgot!) , then my sis wanted to bring her 3abayah so went to Abu Dhabi Mall I usually hate going their 4 some reasons that ppl (sure not local) are making the Mall their home! 3a golat my sis the Mall is big and cold so laazm awfar lehom :s
And ya another point that u have to cover ur nose while some ppl are passing by !! U know wt am talking about !!! Huh ~ comoooon !!! shower a day won't kill ya !! WtH :s
Bel3kkkkks when u go to Marina u always smell d5ooon o 3dooor their, sure coz more locals are their :p
Sure ma arms 3an el kel wala a3amem !!
Stop that la3at chabdyah!
Okey then I went to my sis's house fdeeet ro7a 7moOody gabl la n6la3 he was crying wanted to come with us kebar o 9ar yfhaaam :p 7arakaat lol, had my dinner their then marena 3ala Baskin Robbins then Home sweet home ^^
Inshaaaallah inshaaaaalah tmw will be Ramadaaaan, they will confirm today at 8 pm
If so don't forget to full ur tummy 4 tmw :p
And 4 me inshalah Ramadan will be different this year
Luv u Candy and Nosa u always encourage me to update :p
Btw Nosa do u know how can I comment by using BB, I can do it if only when the comments in another window but when its in the same post window I can't like in ur case and mine ;)
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