Saturday, 22 August 2009

Ramadan day 1

First day of Ramadan is over ! 29 days left :)
For some ppl the first day is so hard until yt3awdon, some ppl get a headache like in mamaty's case and even after Fotor she can't eat that much !! She has a very sensitive stomach so she has to be so careful b4 eating anything >poor mamaty :(
I used to be like her bas when I started uni my stomach starts to be normal since am eating ay shaaaay except drinking juice early morning :s

Today was good el 7mdlellah, 9aaaaaa7 sawet Sambosa :p yupppppppppy
Mama shocked when she saw me in the kitchen and told Dady sheft el yo3 o ma ysawey :p lol I don't cook wayd ela fel sena marah ><
btw 6la3 maaaale7 shway bas yummy :D
Aham shy babaty galy latheeeeth so who cares about others opinions ^^

Tqabal alah 9eyamkom o qeyamkom inshalah....

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Candy said...

awal shay LOOOL , at least u tried :P
yaa awal youm mot3eb and it passed by very slowly ..

ana i know how to cook bas ma a7eb il 6ab5 =D

Bahrain Fashion said...

Surprisingly, my first day was passed easily. But today, the second- did not! :/ lol!