Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Finals Nightmare :(
Today I had Microprocessor Lab Final it was good el 7mdlellah,,
Still 3 finals to go -.-
Can't wait for 4/1/2010 and I ll be officially graduated inshalah ...
Gnight ~
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Proud to be Emirati <3
N Happy National Day 4 all Emiraties =D happy 38 BD lovely country <3
Just back from Abu Dhabi's Corniche, za7maaaaaa
I was very happy to see many ppl from different countries r celebrating with us specially from Qatar n Bahrain; they even decorated their cars with UAE flags n our Shyo5's pics...
Alah yr7am baba Zayed o y'3amd ro7ah el janah ya rab...
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Friday, 20 November 2009
Girlz only BBQ <3
We had soooooooooooo much FUN n the weather was WoW =D
Lovely friends luv u all n I ll miss u so much n miss every moment I spent with you :)
Can't write more since its our Family Gathering today ;)
Have a nice evening,,
With luv <3
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Arabic Calligraphy <3
It was a long week and I just started my weekend since I don’t have classes tmw *dancing*
Nothing left to graduate its just a matter of time, ONLY 6 weeks left and will be officially graduated inshalah =D
Can't wait for January to enjoy being away from university! Will I miss it?? Don't think so :p
Did I mention before that I love Arabic Calligraphy! I really do, I used to participate in so many competitions when I was at school but since I started university I stopped, but I always practice by my own by attending some workshops and courses.
I got an email from WATANI about a competition, I’m on inshalah if I finish it before 17/11/09

Have a nice weekend <3
Friday, 30 October 2009
Busy Engineer ;)
During Last 2 weeks, even though I have Mids but me n some girls had been forced to attended exhibition, conferences n Forums..
First we went to GITEX it was WOOOOW nothing to say more !
Btw there was sth t5ablt 3leh! its a TV n can be Table n also can be used as a board so u can paint as I did in the last pic ^^
Then we had to attend "The excellence in Engineering Forum" which was 2 days actually I didn't like it :p it was soooo boring :s so in day 2 we skipped this boring forum n wen to a Dubai International Cartoon Characters Fair :D I really LIKED it !
Mmmmm wt to say more !
Am fed up from this university and can't wait for graduation :(
GOD help me n pass these next two months quickly :_(
Gnight <3
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Monday, 12 October 2009
Again i miss painting more and more!
The WE passed so fast! Shopping, family gathering and hanging out with sisters :p
I really need to paint ASAP I ll feel much better since its the only and best way to release my stress n forget about real life at least for couple of hrs !
anyways, dono why! when ppl see this lo7a always ask me how did I feel when I draw it :s
to be honest walah ma a7ed bas che :p
My sister said it’s full of sadness! walah a7sha normal lol
wt do u think? ;) etha we7dah Dr nafseyah feel free to scan my nafseyah lol
I ll be posting more lo7at inshalah o calligraphy ba3ad ;)

Gnight <3
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
i miss painting :(
anyways, i really miss painting, drawing, colouring, calligraphy and everything related to art…
I don’t feel writing anymore : s
Lets pix talk wayed a7san coz I ll end up complaining about uni again and again lol
Was painted 03.01.09 sure I started before that day since I take around 1 week or more to finish any lo7a ;)

Gnight <3
Thursday, 24 September 2009
I went to the bookstore and bought some stuffs coz I didn't at the beginning of the semester :p so I decided to restart my uni seriously this time and do my best since its the last semester for me y3ni let's enjoy it :p adri nothing fun a9lan to enjoy lol
Good night <3
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
EiD Vacation !
I dono who cheated us and says that its raining here la o awenah el gaw m'3ayem :s nothing walah lol
Anyways, today is my friend's wedding I hope we arrive there on time so I can go,
Yalah enjoy ur holiday o ana bakaml my holiday fe AD wayd a7san :D
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Mbarkn 3edkom <3
Dressed up, Me and my niece wearing the same .. Thnx MeMe luv u (k)
Baba calling us twin ! Bas laaa mabaa I'm his only girl ><
Mamaty o babaty gave me my 3edeyah and waiting for the rest :p
And Now waiting for my elder sisters to come and Enjoy Eid :D
Have Fun o 3asakom men 3awadah ^^
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Yst I had a sleepless night, I just slept 2 hrs o till now aqawem el nom but now 5alaaa9 expired :s
Anyways, it was a long week in Al Ain full of karaf o classes o working in our graduation project which I hate the most o thnx God alf marah tmw's presentation t2agal after 2 weeks so NO uni tmw soooooo am back Home :) nawrat AD today I know :p
Hanged out today with sis and nephew o awenah sayren to do some Eid shopping ! Walah nothing kella eating o sowalif ^^ lol
Yalah G N lovelies shakly I ll sleep 2 days men el t3ab :s
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Yst we had so much fun and I laughed n ate wayed :p
It was my nephew 7moOody's 1st Birth day in Arabic calender o sawena mini party and soon we will have another real party fe 16-9 !!
My lil sister started the party o 7a6aw el candles o thnx God ma 7rgatna :s
My nephew was sick n he spent 3 hrs in the hospital 3ashan t5f el 7ararah then he came and joined us fel part :p el7mdlellah 3al salamaaaah 3aboD ma tshof shar ^^
Btw sawet basbosa o e7trgat coz I left it in the oven and went out to bring my sister and I asked the maids to ckeck it kel shwayah ! O they forgot and when I was back maytaaaaat men el 5oOof :s baba gally 3ady baba 9arat bel chocklate a7laaa o 5aleha I ll eat it :s fdetah walah u r the best evaaaaa *hugs*
Big decision had been made yst inshalah it was the right one ....
And Now am hungry to death :s less than an hour to eat then I ll go to Al Ain since I have classes tmw :(
Bbye AD ..
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Thnx a lot <3
I know its too early but awenah for encouraging :p
Luv u all *Hugs*
Elham, ElhamoOo, Maryom, Amola, Maryoma, 9afoy, 5awol, EmanoOo and A7lam
I ll miss ya all walah...
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Friday ~ Family Gathering
Mamy can't control the house any more :p kel shy m3foos and mamy ma t7b che everything must be in its place o kel shy lazm mrattab o clean and babaty keeps telling her la t3wreen rasech at all wait till they leave then start tidying :p lol
Luv Dady he is very relax, calm and keep smiling fe kel el 7alaaat <3 so when am in trouble seeeeda 3nd babaaa ;)
He always says: nothing worth elwa7d y7rg damah 3leeh! Haaaaih walah NOTHING WORTH fe hal dnyah ^^
We ll have our so7or now :D
Have a nice so7or and G N
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Friday, 4 September 2009
This week was sooOooo long :s hope the rest will go faster ! Attending classes in Ramadan is soo hard the weather is hot and u feel that ur brain is boiling :s
This semester I have only 3 courses: Microprocessors, special topics in communication, control systems and Graduation Project 2...
I hope this semester will be easy since I decided to have fun and do my best and enjoy each moment! I know nothing fun in uni bas alah kareem since Engineering is SUCks ...
I luv studying it but sometimes I reach a point that I can't bear anymore :s bas inshalah 5eer o alah yesahel ya rab ....
Can't wait for December to graduate...
For all who started uni Happy new semester and wish u all the best and a semester full of success ^^
Have a nice week...
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Decision Making
But when you have to make a decision that will change ur life and ur whole future depends on that, u have to make sure that u gana make the right one...
The HARDEST thing when U and only U must make it, u can't let ppl make instead of u even ur parent!! u r relaying on them ur whole life to help on making some since u are sure that they gana make the best...
Surely u can't make it without asking them bas fel nehaya u r in charge,,,
So confused
Yaaa Raby help me to make the right decision so I won't regret later . . . . . . . . .
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
since we arrive 3body is playing o 3yonah ma yshelha moOol men hal Nintendo I think ha esmah madry :s
Sho hal jeeel !!! 3a golat baba :p
La o kel 5 minutes eyni ygoly shofy shofy ana fzt o yom ytwahag he calls his elder brother o ygola fawezny bser3aaa plzZz :p
Yalah have ur So7or o bel3aaaafyah :)
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
wake up at 10 am but mama forced me to sleep again don't ask me why :p then I slept till 2:30 pm I feel so bad when waking up too late :s
Anyways, after Fotor went to my messy room it was so dusty I just cleaned it 3 days ago,
I dono wts wrong!! it becomes so dusty in just one day :s hate that coz my skin becomes red and el 7asasyah back again and again :(
Maids always clean but ma yratbon methel ma abaa !! They always complain while cleaning awenah sho "mona u have so many things in ur room we can't clean everything" :s
Btw I'm kinda a very tidy person I have to arrange everything according to size, high and even colour,
Everybody MUST return everything to its place after usage.
My lil sister hates that and she always says "enty fech weswas believe me" !!! Bas 6aaaaaf who cares @@
9aaaaaaaaa7 !!!!
Today sawet Basbosa :D walah its so yummy!! 5alla9 keeeeelaah o basawi bacher b3ad ><
Thanks a lot siso for your delicious recipe Alah y5alech 4 your mini family ^^
Enjoy Ramadan by being closer to GOD :)
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Ramadan day 1
For some ppl the first day is so hard until yt3awdon, some ppl get a headache like in mamaty's case and even after Fotor she can't eat that much !! She has a very sensitive stomach so she has to be so careful b4 eating anything >poor mamaty :(
I used to be like her bas when I started uni my stomach starts to be normal since am eating ay shaaaay except drinking juice early morning :s
Today was good el 7mdlellah, 9aaaaaa7 sawet Sambosa :p yupppppppppy
Mama shocked when she saw me in the kitchen and told Dady sheft el yo3 o ma ysawey :p lol I don't cook wayd ela fel sena marah ><
btw 6la3 maaaale7 shway bas yummy :D
Aham shy babaty galy latheeeeth so who cares about others opinions ^^
Tqabal alah 9eyamkom o qeyamkom inshalah....
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Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Friday, 21 August 2009
Family Gathering ^^
All my elder sisters and there husbands come with the kids :D sure some of them are no longer babies :p
Alah ye7fa'6hom ya rab
We started the gathering by watching Madagascar2 and my niece kanat msaweyah a colourful cake so qe'6ena 3leeeh while watching the movie ...
Anyways, we will have our dinner inshallah after Men come from Tarawe7
Btw don't forget to fuuuuull ur tummy tonight :p tmw is Ramadan lol
Inshalah tmw will be different so be different this nxt month :)
Luv u family ...
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Thursday, 20 August 2009
My nephew wanted to buy some accessories for his room and need help so I went with him for some shopping... Sure it didn't take that much time bas meee lazm I do some shopping since the uni will start after a week so I need some stuff! 7gety dayman to go shopping :p
We went to Marina Mall at 2pm till around 5:30 (btw I had a dentist appointment and I totally forgot!) , then my sis wanted to bring her 3abayah so went to Abu Dhabi Mall I usually hate going their 4 some reasons that ppl (sure not local) are making the Mall their home! 3a golat my sis the Mall is big and cold so laazm awfar lehom :s
And ya another point that u have to cover ur nose while some ppl are passing by !! U know wt am talking about !!! Huh ~ comoooon !!! shower a day won't kill ya !! WtH :s
Bel3kkkkks when u go to Marina u always smell d5ooon o 3dooor their, sure coz more locals are their :p
Sure ma arms 3an el kel wala a3amem !!
Stop that la3at chabdyah!
Okey then I went to my sis's house fdeeet ro7a 7moOody gabl la n6la3 he was crying wanted to come with us kebar o 9ar yfhaaam :p 7arakaat lol, had my dinner their then marena 3ala Baskin Robbins then Home sweet home ^^
Inshaaaallah inshaaaaalah tmw will be Ramadaaaan, they will confirm today at 8 pm
If so don't forget to full ur tummy 4 tmw :p
And 4 me inshalah Ramadan will be different this year
Luv u Candy and Nosa u always encourage me to update :p
Btw Nosa do u know how can I comment by using BB, I can do it if only when the comments in another window but when its in the same post window I can't like in ur case and mine ;)
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
.Wake up at 11
.went with my sis to the hospital her baby sick »fdethaaa soso ma tshofen shar 7bebat 5aloooh
.lunch at sis's home sure I didn't have a choice :p
.Back home at 4 and my Nephew 3body came with me 6ab3an o n7n raden ytdala3 3alayah ! He kept saying 5aloh tdren ana yo3aaan ma t'3det 3adel (y3ny buy me some choco) and I did :) to be honest ana ely knt abah :p
.babaty o mamaty were having there tea so I joined
.at 5 dawa5t maraaaah so I slept till 7 !! I dono how I don't like taking naps I feel so lazy later
.My niece came and wakes me up ( men b3d ma 5that el license ma t3rf tgr fel bait :p mashallah at ur service ay wagt!)
.Dinner with Family :D 2 of my elder sisters came
.Now am having my sleeping lunch be4 bed time :p
Yalaaaah good night lovelies ZzZzzzz
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Trip to DxB
My nephew just bought a new car sooo lazm nmasheha :p
Kna m5a6e6en n6la3 at 9 am bas me and lil sis nashena at 9 :s imagine that my nephew and nieces were waiting for us down stairs in our home ! Soooo bser3aa bser3aAaaa we dressed up ready in bas 30 min :D
In the car »
My niece: yalah bnser el Mroor bayeb el license ! ( Kanat the day b4 naj7a fel try)
Me: woOot ma bnser mkan seeda dubai we already mt25ren 3an el plan!
My sis: haih walah la7ga 3al license ba3den 3ady bed5lonch dubai bdonah LOL !
Nephew: sHhhHhhhhhh law nashen 3al wagt ma kna bnt2a5ar it won't take much time bas 20 min o ho already fe darbna
Me and sis were like NO More complaining we are late @@ so nskt a7san LOL
Reached DxB at 2 imagine that ! Since they have to stop fe kel station marah for breakfast o marah for choco o marah water o marah etc. Grrrrrrr
First srna dubai festival city for me it was the first time there » thnxx my BB navigator u saved us since our driver (Nephew) is a beginner :p walah he gana kill me etha dra heheheh
I enjoyed shopping there but still I luv dubai mall and emirates mall more :p
Anyways lafenaa el mall kamel leeen ma our feet killed us ma tet5aylon kef, I always say fe kel marah ard men el sog I ll never ever wear high heels again ! Bas again I do sho asawey I can't walk without them =p
At 6 my nephew decided to take us 9ob Jumairah soo sa7abna sa7b men el mall o kel shyway yehaded yalah wala barawe7 3ankom LOL
6la3naa bas we can't leave Dubai without saying hiii for emirates mall sooo we went there for more shopping even though our feet were suffering =D
had dinner then baaaaack to AD ..
ThnXxxXxx GurlzZz we had so much fun ^^
Yaa we have to do it again!
Have a nice evening
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Saturday, 15 August 2009
After less than a week we will start Ramadan
Walah can't wait !
Everything is different in that month, am not that religious person but I try my best in this month
Am planing to a5tm el Qraan more than 2 times inshallah, hope that uni. Stuff won't change my plans bas inshalah I ll try my best...
For all muslims Happy Ramadan o yn3ad 3lekom be 5eeer
O elsmo7a minute el kel ...
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Nothing ! just wt is in my mind
Anyways, you may find me a5arb6 wayd in this post bas madrey I felt like I wana write whatever in my mind ay shy I dono why !
Life is so Hard
Or me who cares a lot about every single details in life to be perfect
I know nothing is perfect but what shall I do that's me
When some suddenly appers in ur life and cares about you and shows so much luv and u feel like u r the happiest person ever on this planet then suddenly everything changes just coz they feel like u r not caring about them like they do!
Its not like that its all about when u don't have that talent to shoq hoq much u luv and care BUT they can't get it!
When u swear that u can't do sth u mean it u can't do it that's U but they always undertand everything as they like
Its NOT fair !!
I know nothing of wt I wrote make sense even to me so execuse me ..
Babaty just waked up and came to wake me up to pray > he shocked :p
“Why U r still awake baba fech shy“ hheehehhe I told u I use to sleep at 12 and am still alive so MONE feha shy ! LoOoL
Wayd 5arba6 and guess what >> I feel painting NOW **
G N lovelies
Btw I need help ! I can't upload pics from my BB HELP HELP and even comment that's why I don't replay ur comments girls sry ><
Candy » the beach is Al Harmeyah I dono if u know it, its fel weastern region the area is WoW and clean also there is shalehaAt go and enjoOoyyyy!
Sunday, 9 August 2009
I just wake up and craving HOT chocklate
Yst night I watched a movie > My sis's keeper finally !
I was sure that I will watch it be4 finishing the book :p and that what's happend
I really liked it, its kind of movies that I luuv!! DRAMA
I can't say more than than MUMs are angles and they do whatever they can just to make their kids happy and comfortable
Yst afternoon we went to the beach :) Me, sis, nieces and nephew
It was sooOoooooOoooooO much fun ! Minute zman ma '6a7akt be hal shakel el hestery :p
What can I say more!
Luv u mamaty
Luv u sisters
Have a nice day